Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Never Marry a Government

never marry a government
for a government wants your soul
never marry an industry
for an industry's touch is cold

marry instead a carpenter
for a carpenter's join is true
or take up a life with a soldier
for a soldier gives honor it's due

or if you won't marry a soldier
if a soldier's not part of the plan
take a safe berth on a sailing ship
marry a sea faring man

should a sea faring man prove unfaithful
and strike to a far distant straight
take up a life with a farmer
and wait patiently down by the gate

but never marry a government
for a government's heart is cold
never marry an industry
for an industry loves only gold

                                                 by Charlie Barone, November 2010


  1. Charlie, why did you name this group "original content?

  2. Well Sally, this is little rough draft of words for an upcoming "original" song. A blue-grassy type thing with a hint of protest. Of course, it's structured more like a poem at this moment. Probably won't stay that way long.

  3. thanx charlie, i hope it does 4 u what it does 4 me -
